Sunday, December 16, 2012

Family Matters Friday:: A Day In The Life

Sooo I know it's not Friday. This post was actually for last Friday however given that day's event, I didn't feel it would be appropriate to post. So here it is now.

Last week I posted  a picture of my 'to do' list for the day on Face book. This picture gave me in idea for a blog post. What's a day in the life of Dana like? Well, I'm glad you asked....

7:30am:  Wake up/Get ready. I usually get up around 6:45am but was able to sleep in a bit because Talon stayed at his Dad's last night so I didn't have to take him to school and I didn't have to go straight to work as I had to take a final for one of my classes. That extra 45 mins does make a difference.

8:30-10am: Work & Study. For this next hour and a half, I responded to a few work emails and did some of the urgent tasks that needed to be done (one of the great things about being able to work anywhere with a laptop and internet). I then crammed in a little last minute studying . (Turns out it worked because I got an A on that final! Wahoo!!)


10-10:30am: Commute to Fort Knox. One of the benefits of being a student at Western is that they have a campus in Elizabethtown, Radcliff, and Fort Knox. Fort Knox is where I take most of my finals and exams because who wants to drive to Bowling Green if you don't have to?
10:30am- 12:15pm: History Final. 2 hours and 3 well written essays later about imperialism in the Gilded Age, the west in the Gilded Age, and how the Gilded Age is similar to the early twenty first century, the semester is finally almost over. Believe it or not, I LOVE essay tests. I do.

12:15-1:15pm: Commute to Louisville. Back in the car, this time finally heading in to work. Since I hadn't had breakfast or lunch yet, I decided to grab a cheese and banana pepper pizza from Wick's. YUM!
(Wick's is my favorite pizza place)

1:15-5:30pm: Arrive at Work. I'm a loan processor, the only loan processor at our office, so needless to say, I'm very busy. But I love it! However, days like today when I'm only there half a day, I have to gear my brain up to work 10x as fast in order to stay caught up. And I did! Yay!


5:30-6:30pm: Commute Back Home. On Thursday's I pick Talon up from his Mamaw's house. I'm supposed to be there at 6 but was running behind at work. I finally made it there around 6:30. This car ride was much different. By this point, I was about ready to crash. My brain was on overload.  I opted to listen to instrumental music. Wooosaa....

(Yanni is my favorite New Age musician)

6:30pm: Arrive at Mamaw's house. When I pull up, I see Talon's face pressed against the door then take off. I know this routine. He hides behind the couch. I walk in and say , "Did you forget to pick up Talon?" His Mamaw says, "Yes, I forgot today was my day!" Then Talon pops out from behind the couch and says, "Boo!!" Every time, but every time I love it. We get in the car and continue on...

(He was still in his funny mood even in the car)

6:30-7:30pm: Aldi and Target. So I along with a couple of other amazing people are donating turkeys to the Lincoln Trail Resource Center for families in need to ensure they have a Christmas meal. My friend Sara found a great deal on Butterball Turkeys at Aldi so to Aldi I go. I stack my cart with turkeys. Next was Target. Tomorrow is Talon's classroom Christmas party and we forgot to get his teacher presents!! We were literally in and out of Target in 10 minutes. Boom!


7:45pm: So we finally make it home. While I tried to talk Talon into letting my pick up some fast food for dinner tonight, he refused. He wanted me to cook tacos and what kind of mom would I be to force my kid to eat something completely unhealthy when he would rather have something a little more fresh? So while he played basketball in his room, I cooked tacos.


8:15pm: Talon's Homework/TV time. By this time I'm about ready to pass out. But I pull myself together. Talon pulls out his clipboard and does his homework. In the process, I took this picture and he said, " Mom, will you please quit taking pictures of me while I'm doing homework?!" .... Oops. I'm just glad he takes his studying seriously. After doing a little math and reading, he has a few minutes to kill. Ordinarily this is when he would take a bath but he wants his hair to be in a Mohawk for school tomorrow so he's just going to take a shower in the morning. I know I will regret that one in the morning.... So instead of a bath, we watch AFV for a bit.

9:00pm: Talon's Bedtime. He curls up in his bed, I tuck him in, give him a kiss, and to sleep he goes.

9:00pm-12:00am: Homework, Fun Work, Mom Work. Now that my sweet baby boy is sound asleep, it's time for me to get to my homework. A couple of hours later, I'm done writing a paper. As I get ready to go to bed, I realize I forgot to move Elf. I forget more than I remember and Talon realizes this by asking why he doesn't always move. I tell him that he only goes to the North Pole to talk to Santa when you are really bad or really good..... (or when mommy really forgets). (side note:: to all of you over-elfing-acheivers, thanks for showing me up) And now I'm writing this post. And now I'm finished. And now it's midnight. That's my cutoff time. Whatever doesn't get done by then, has to wait till the next day.

Total Mileage For The Day: 162 miles
Total Time Spent On The Road: 2.75 hours

So yea, that's what a day in the life of this single mom is like. Who wants to be my pro-bono assistant?

Confession: I don't do any of my homework, blogging, internet surfing, etc til after T-Bizzle goes to bed (or if he's at his Dad). As you can see, our lives are so busy anyways, I don't like to let any of my personal (selfish) activities interfere with my time with him. Which is why I never get any sleep :)

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