Wednesday, December 5, 2012

24, 15, and 3

So I heard on the radio this morning that the average single woman goes on a date with 24 different guys a year. When I heard that, my first thought was, "What am I doing wrong?!", and then, "What's wrong with these women?!"

First let me start by saying that I haven't even been on a date with 24 different guys in my entire life, much less in the more recent 3-4 years I've been single. After a lot of thought, I could only come up with about 15, and that was a stretch because a few of those were just friends, a few more were 'group' dates, and only a hand full were real, one on one, dates. Furthermore, I've only been on a date with 3 guys this year, and by this year I just mean Jan-June. I have barely even socialized in these last 6 months much less gone on a date. (that's another story for another day)

So needless to say, after I heard that, then also heard lots of women calling in stating that yes, 24 seems about right, I was just baffled. Who has time for that? Time to put forth that much effort? Time to get to know that many people? Time to fit that into your schedule? Time to pick out that many cute outfits? It stresses me out just thinking about it.

It was then I realized I guess I'm not the average single woman, which may very well be one of the reasons I've been single for so long. However, quality is much better than quantity in my opinon, unless I were on the Bachelorette. Now that I'd make an exception for.... 



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