Monday, June 17, 2013

Tooth Fairy Problems

 I like to think I'm a well organized, planned, prepared kinda gal. I live for check lists, to do lists, and schedules.  I process files at work, I organize meetings in between, and I'm on top of it, nothing gets past me.  But when it comes to those small, teeny tiny, simple things to remember, consider it a lost cause. Example--- I bought my house over a year and a half ago. And since then, the garbage truck has come every Thursday morning.  So you would think after approx 78 weeks, I would remember to drag my trash out to the road before Thursday morning, but no, I don't. I actually remember less than I do remember, if that makes sense.  
But as it turns out, it's not just taking out the trash that I can't remember, I also can't remember to leave some cash around the house for when the Tooth Fairy needs to make a visit. You may recall from one of my Facebook status', when Talon lost his first tooth, my excitement for him was quickly replaced by the panic  from the fact that I didn't have any cash on hand. I rarely keep cash on me. I live off of my debit card and checks. (yes, I still write checks) Luckily, I dug up $5 and all was well. So after reporting this to FB, a fellow mom gave me the great idea to hide some $$ under my mattress so next time Talon loses a tooth, I'm prepared. Great idea! Now did I ever do that? Nope.

So last week, Talon loses another tooth. This time, it's almost 10:00 at night when he pulls it out. Again, my excitement for him is quickly replaced by panic because, once again, I don't have any cash on hand. It's too late to run out to the ATM, what do I do? Well, as I'm rummaging through the house trying to find some dollar bills, I walk past Talon's room and out of the corner of my eye, I spot some $1s on his floor... Talon ALWAYS has money. He has a basket in his room with $1s, $5s, and even a $20 he has saved from allowance, gifts, chore money, and even the $1s he gets after his baseball games that he's supposed to use for snacks but just pockets the money instead. So when I see this money just laying there, I think to myself, " Do I do it? Noooo, no, I can't, can I? " What other choice do I have? So while he was in the bathroom proudly looking at the new toothless gap in his mouth, I quickly swoop up 5 $1 bills from his money basket (with full intentions of paying it back the next day). I would like to say this is the first time I've had to borrow money from Talon but, it's not. There was that one time I, I mean he, needed some cash to play games at Gattis, or that time I needed to tip the pizza guy. But I always pay him back, plus interest. So anyways, he goes to sleep, I take the tooth from under his pillow and replace it with (his) 5 $1 bills. All is well. The next morning, I'm awaken by an excited Talon who tells me the Tooth Fairy came to visit him.
This is how that conversation went:
Me: Wahoo! How much money did the Tooth Fairy leave you?
Talon:   $1, $2, $3, $4... 4 dollars? Last time he left me 5?
Me:  Ehhhh, ummmmm.... Look around your bed real good, maybe a dollar fell off your bed?  

As he's crawling around under the bed, I shamelessly run over to his money basket and grab another $1 and shove it back under his pillow.

Talon:(stands back up) Nope, nothing.
Me: Really? Look under your pillow one more time.
Talon: Ooooh, here is the other dollar! $5!
Me:  That silly Tooth Fairy!

Why do I do this to myself? 

NOW, guess what's under my mattress? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Even after both of those experiences you would think that I would make it a priority to put some cash under my mattress so the Tooth Fairy is well prepared next time, buuuuut, I haven't.  Why can't I remember to do these small, teeny tiny, simple things?