Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I have a hobby!

So I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I've been dealing with more than normal stress, and just some things in life not working out the way I'm wanting them to, leaving me to question some decisions I've made-- you know, life stuff that we all deal with from time to time. One of the hardest parts of being single (and a single parent) is dealing with these types of situations on your own.

It. Is. Tough.

These last couple of weeks, I haven't felt like doing anything. I've been the biggest homebody. If I'm not working, I'm at home. This evening when I finished working, I put on my comfy clothes, and curled up on the couch. Wednesday nights are the nights I bowl with my parents and I had no desire to go tonight. I had typed up a text to send to my mom to see if she could get a sub because all I wanted to do was lay on the couch but before I could hit send, I reminded myself that I couldn't let my sulking interfere with commitments I've made. So I forced myself off the couch, put on my shoes, and went bowling.

And I'm glad I did.

For those next 2.5 hours, I didn't worry about life's stresses. Instead, I worried about what deliciously unhealthy food I was going to eat for dinner, and whether or not I was going to pick up that 7-10 split. It was fun, relaxing, and a sweet escape. And it was then I realized just how important it is to have a 'hobby'. I haven't really had one in years. All the time I get asked "what do you do for fun?" "what are your hobbies?" "what do you like to do in your free time?" My response is always, "what is that? What's free time?" I've never really made time for that.  If I'm not working, I'm with Talon. If I'm not with Talon, I'm doing something for one of the organizations I'm involved in. If I'm not doing that, I'm with my family or friends, or cleaning house, running errands, doing laundry, you know, adult stuff. When I told my parents I would bowl with them in this league, I immediately retracted my statement the next day with the reason being-- I don't have time. For some reason somehow I've convinced myself that free time isn't something I should have during the week. I should always be doing something productive, especially the nights Talon stays with his dad. I should use those nights to work late and catch up on anything I'm behind on.

My parents found a replacement for me to finish up the league season but yet I'm still bowling, by my choice. Each week I tell them I'll bowl the next week then I'm done. Then the next week comes and I'll say, I'll bowl one more week then I'm done. And I've realized the reason for my reluctance-y to quit is, I actually enjoy bowling. And I'm not even really sure it's the bowling I enjoy, it's the breaking up of the work week monotony I enjoy. It's the doing something fun I enjoy. It's having those couple of hours during the week where I don't worry about what I need to do at work or at home. I can just relax, and have fun.

When I got home this evening, I had a new found energy. Even though I'm still completely stressed about life right now, I now have this revitalizing feeling that I'll work through it like I always do, and everything will be okay. All that, just from bowling. :)

Tomorrow is a new day, and I'm ready for it.