Friday, February 8, 2019

My Favorite Things: Knives

Do you ever buy something, or are gifted something, and you just love it? It can be something so simple, but can bring you so much joy?

Maybe that's just me, but even if that's true, I still feel compelled to start sharing some of my favorite, random things. Why? Because there are so many things I have discovered and fell in love with just from my friends unknowingly sharing about it. So I wanted to pay it forward.

So here we are. I have a whole list of random things that I can't wait to share with you. Today we will talk about knives.

I received Rada Kitchen Knives for Christmas from my mother-in-law. Guys, this probably says a lot about where I'm at in life but they were probably my favorite gift. I've never had a good set of kitchen knives. To be honest, I really can't recall where any of my kitchenware came from? It's like it's just always been in my kitchen drawer.

And it shows.

But that all changed this past Christmas. And my life in the kitchen will never be the same, thanks to them and a new full size cutting board (I've always had a small one that fits in the drawer. I have no idea why. It's terrible trying to cut anything. But finally invested in a big one. If you don't have one, get one of those, too).

I never realized I needed a good set of knives until I finally got them. They are like the knives at Ginza.... they cut through anything and everything so easily, and it's so completely satisfying. The set also came with a peeler which has also been a game changer. I actually enjoy cutting things up in the kitchen. As a result, I've been eating way more fruits and vegetables, double bonus.

So if you are like me and you've been using the same dull knife(ves) your whole adult life, do yourself a favor and add a set of Rada knives to your wish list.

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