Wednesday, February 15, 2017

All The Things

Well today was one of those days. One of those “this is the life of a mom” days. A day where I had to figure out how to do all the things.

I woke up with the worst sinus pressure. I just wanted to take the day off and sleep. But today was not that day. I had too much to do at work and too many Mom duties to do. Is there ever a good day to be sick? 

If you are a mom, the answer is no

First I had to take Taylor Grace to the doctor. The lime green snot that was coming out of her nose told me that her cold turned into an infection, an ear infection to be exact. After the doctor, I picked up her antibiotic, dropped her off to my mother-in-law, and then headed into work. I attempted to get as much done at work before heading back out to go to Talon’s school to have lunch with him and drop off some treats for his class to celebrate his birthday, as I had promised. After going back to work to finish up some things, I was convinced that the sinus pressure was definitely going to make my head explode and I’m pretty sure my body was sensing the same as I was starting to ache all over. I cut my day short, came home, and finally laid down.

Luckily T-Bone was celebrating his birthday with his dad tonight because it was a cereal for dinner kind of night at the Garrett house.

And while today would have been a perfect day to end with a glass of wine, I decided a glass of orange juice would serve me better.

But we are all out. Because my husband drank the rest of it. And I'm pretty sure he never drinks orange juice, until today. 

This. This is the mom life.

But on that note, it was so worth the smile and excitement my big cutie had when I showed up at his school today. 

And it was so worth the extra snuggles I got from Taylor while rocking her to sleep, which I usually don’t do, but I knew that congested little mouth breather needed the extra love tonight.

And on another note, its days like these that make me even more thankful for my support system—to work for an organization that gives me the flexibility to take time away from work when needed to care for my children and myself and to have co-workers fill in for me while I’m out. And for a family who is always there to help out, even when it means taking care of a sick kiddo. 

When I fall short, they are always there to pick me back up. And for that, I am grateful. 

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