Monday, January 2, 2017

EOY Reset

Guys, I’ve spent the last 11 days on Christmas vacation and it was everything it could ever be. It was glorious. I took naps, I stayed in my pjs the majority of the time, I shopped, I cooked, sometimes three meals a day, I spent time with family, I decluttered, I snuggled my little gal (and my big guy when he would let me), watched mindless tv and sleep-trained a baby! All this despite Taylor being sick the first 6 days and me the last. It was still ah-maze-ing. So amazing, I’m going to attempt to take the last week of the year off every year. 

It’s the first time in I don’t know how long that I just lived and didn’t revolve my life around packed tight schedules and to-do lists. It was a great end of the year/beginning of the new year reset. 

I even disconnected from work. It was tempting to work on some projects but I made myself refrain. I did respond to a couple of emails that a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ reply would suffice but ones that required more thinking and weren’t urgent, my response was “let’s connect about this next week” and let me tell ya, it felt sooooo good. (Now on the flip side, I am a little anxious going back to work tomorrow knowing the huge list of projects I need to work on and the fact that I haven’t in 11 days BUT I’m going to try to remind myself to take it one 8 hour day at a time.)

I only made one New Year resolution this year (and it’s to cut out the sweets—more about that later) but if I were to make another, it would be to quit overwhelming myself. I’m good at that. At work, at home, in life. For some reason I like to challenge myself to do as many things as humanely possible in a 24 hour period. And that that leads to is me being stressed, overwhelmed, and on a constant rat race and never allows me to fully enjoy the moment. And these past 11 days, I was reminded what it feels like to not be that way and it was wonderful. Here’s to more of that in 2017.

Cheers, friends!

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