Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stop And Smell The Roses

So the other day, I was driving down the road, and out of the corner of my eye, I just happened to notice a house off in the distance. I drive down this road every single day and never ever noticed that house. As I continued on my commute, I continued to look deeper and further off the road and I saw all kinds of things I've never seen before: wooded areas, houses, farms, and hills. It was quite beautiful actually. I thought to myself, I've driven down this road probably a thousand times, and up until this moment, if someone would have shown me a picture of what I just saw, I would have had no clue where that picture was taken because when I drive, I'm always just looking straight in front of me, completely unaware of what's around me.


Then all of a sudden, I had a really deep thought. I began to wonder:: how many things do I miss out on a daily basis because I'm so focused on what's in front of me and don't' ever take the time to look at what's going on around me? How many experiences do I miss out on? How many opportunities do I miss out on? How many people do I miss out on? How many moments do I miss out on?

It was a great reminder that even though we should always stay focused on what's in front of us, sometimes we just need to stop and smell the roses.

When you make your daily commute this week, I challenge you to (safely) take a look out into the distance, and see what you find. And I also challenge you to do the same in your daily life.

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