Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back To School

So school starts tomorrow and I'm having such mixed emotions about it. I'm really excited about it and  alsoreally sad about it. Do I sound like a typical female or what? First, I'm excited to get back into our normal routine. I live for structure and routine and that always seems to go out the window during the summer time so I'm looking forward to bringing that back. But I'm sooooo sad that I won't be spending as much time with my sweet baby boy. But most importantly, how in the world can he be starting first grade already? I still vividly remember the first day I took him to daycare. That was the worst day of my life.
Then the first day of 3 year old preschool.
Then before I knew it, he was graduating 4 year old preschool.
Then the first day of kindergarten.
Then graduating kindergarten.
And now first grade? I feel like it's all downhill from here and it just breaks this momma's heart. If anyone knows how to make time slow down, please PLEASE let me know how.
But despite the fact that I'm oh so sad about Talon beginning this next chapter of his life, I'm so completely excited that his 1st grade teacher is someone I love, admire, and still look up to even after over 20 years of knowing her.... my 2nd grade teacher, Lisa Jaggers, is Talon's 1st grade teacher. How cool is that?! As if that wasn't exciting enough, my 1st/3rd grade teacher, Karen Hill, who is another teacher I love, admire, and still look up to even after 20 years of knowing her, will also be around Talon at school as well. We hit the jackpot last year with his kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Wilson, and now he gets to be with two of my favorite teachers? I can't explain how happy it makes me. It makes me happy because I know they will take such good care of him, and it makes me even happier because they are incredible teachers and I know he will learn so much. Like last year, this year, when I drop Talon off at school every morning, I won't have a worry in the world because I know he will be in good hands. And that's the best feeling any momma could ever have.

Back to school we go!

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