So since I’m on break from school, and since Talon is on
break from school, and since I had a few days off from work due to the
holidays, Talon and I have been able to spend a LOT of time together, and I’ve
loved every minute of it but it’s also made me realized something: time is
going by way to fast.
If you know me, then you know we are always on the go.
And because of that, time slips by. And it was this week that I realized
just how fast…
I’m a procrastinator and I didn’t finish Christmas
shopping and picking up food to cook until Christmas Eve day. As soon as Talon
and I got up Christmas Eve morning, we got ready, got in the car, and started
searching all over town for our last minute needs. While in Kroger, while I was
panicking because I forgot my grocery list, Talon rattled off everything that I
said we needed. We go to the self-check-out line, he scans everything for me,
and we were in and out of Kroger in less than 10 minutes. If any of you have
been to Kroger on Christmas Eve day, then you know this was quite a feat. When
we got in the car, not only did I thank him for being so patient and helpful, I
also thought to myself, “When did you get so old?” I remember the days when I
would purposely go to the grocery on the days Talon was with his Dad because he
would whine if we were there to long, and somehow the cart would end up with
things that weren’t on the list. And now, I have a helper.
After running our errands, we finally make it home. One
of the reasons we went to town was to stop at Michael’s so Talon could decorate
a couple of ornaments for his dad and me as a present from him. (his idea) (On a side note, go to Michael’s on
Christmas Eve—all of their Christmas decorations, trees, ornaments, lights,
etc. were 70% off!) So once we made it home, Talon went up to his play
room, painted, wrapped, and labeled our gifts all on his own and placed them
ever so gently under the tree. I can’t even explain the excitement that filled
Talon’s eyes when it was finally time for his dad and me to open those gifts
from him. It melted my heart.
And then the day after Christmas, I worked from home, and Talon hung out with me (since he didn’t have school).
Before we went to bed the night before, I let him know that just because we
were home, and he was with me, I would still be working so he can’t ‘bug me’.
When I woke up that morning, I went upstairs and straight
to work. About an hour later, I heard Talon get out of bed but he didn’t come
upstairs. So I went downstairs to check on him and there he was laying on the
couch, watching a movie on his iPad, eating donuts, and drinking a Pediasure,
all of which he got all on his own, no
questions asked. I gave him a big hug and thanked him for being so big then
went back to work. Throughout the morning and afternoon, I would go to check on
Talon and find him in his room playing basketball, then laying upside down in
our big comfy chair watching TV, then laying in his bed playing Wipeout on the
Wii, then in the living room flying his toy plane, then back in his bedroom
playing with his new Batman Castle, then back upstairs, laying upside down in
the big comfy chair watching TV again and NEVER
did he ask for anything. When it came time for lunch, I fixed us some spaghetti.
It was then I remembered, “I forgot to remind you to brush your teeth!” He
quickly corrected me, “I already did that mom, as soon as I got out of bed!”
This is me being the overly emotional person I am but that brought tears to my
eyes, for many reasons.
First, a part of me felt like a bad mom because he pretty much was left to fend for himself all day. I know that’s part of the “bringing your kid to work” but I still felt bad. Granted he did have a house full of new toys to play with, and I know he was happy just to be around me, but I still felt bad. Second, when did my baby get so big? It made me happy that he is now big enough to do things for himself and entertain himself BUT it made me realize just how big he really is. Where does the time go?
Then I felt guilty. I thought to myself, if Talon had a brother or sister, then I wouldn’t feel so bad because he would have someone else to play with. He’s 5, I’m not even closed to getting re-married, so if and when he ever does have a sibling, they will probably be too far apart in age to really even play together. I always imagined I would have about 3 kids, and always imagined they would only be a couple of years apart, and now because of my health, and the way life has worked out, there is a chance Talon will never have a brother or sister, and that makes me sad. I think about the relationship I have with my sisters and all of my nieces and nephews and I want Talon to have those types of relationships too. Can time please slow down?
First, a part of me felt like a bad mom because he pretty much was left to fend for himself all day. I know that’s part of the “bringing your kid to work” but I still felt bad. Granted he did have a house full of new toys to play with, and I know he was happy just to be around me, but I still felt bad. Second, when did my baby get so big? It made me happy that he is now big enough to do things for himself and entertain himself BUT it made me realize just how big he really is. Where does the time go?
Then I felt guilty. I thought to myself, if Talon had a brother or sister, then I wouldn’t feel so bad because he would have someone else to play with. He’s 5, I’m not even closed to getting re-married, so if and when he ever does have a sibling, they will probably be too far apart in age to really even play together. I always imagined I would have about 3 kids, and always imagined they would only be a couple of years apart, and now because of my health, and the way life has worked out, there is a chance Talon will never have a brother or sister, and that makes me sad. I think about the relationship I have with my sisters and all of my nieces and nephews and I want Talon to have those types of relationships too. Can time please slow down?
as always, Talon said some “only child’ things that not only made me appreciate
our bond as a single mom/only child, but also made me laugh.
Talon is overly spoiled at Christmas by both sides of his
family. He gets way too many presents, and I will admit I’m part of the problem
as I almost always get him everything he asks for. I mean, he’s my only child. J So
before Christmas, I reminded Talon that he is very lucky that he has so many
family members who not only are able to buy him gifts, but also love doing so,
as there are many kids who don’t even get one present on Christmas. So I then
ask him what he should do if he gets a present from someone that he maybe doesn’t
like, and he says, “Like a girl toy?” Yes, like a girl toy. “I tell them ‘no
thank you’, then give it back. “ Well, at least he was being polite?
Then while lying on the couch one evening, we were
watching a movie and in this movie there was a marriage ceremony. Talon looked
at me and said, “What’s that vacation called after you get married?” I replied,
“A honeymoon?” Talon then confirmed, “Yes, a honeymoon. When you get
married, then I will get to go on the honeymoon vacation too, right?” Thank
you Talon for having faith that I will one day get married and thank you again for
having faith that by time I do get married, you won’t be ‘too old’ to hang out
with me. J
Confession: Even
though it does make me sad that Talon doesn’t have a family filled
with married parents and brothers and sisters, I still love the bond and
relationship that just the two of us have together. I love ‘our time’ and try
to do as much, just the two of us, together as possible. One of those things is
Monster Jam! A couple of years ago, we spent the weekend in Indy watching Monster
Jam and visiting the Children’s Museum. I just bought our tickets for the
January show and can’t wait for a repeat, fun filled, weekend with my most
favorite person in the world!

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