Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My Favorite Things: Plexus Probiotics

Now this one will get real personal health wise so if you aren't into that, this might not be the blog post for you. But if you don't mind, continue on. 

So I've been dealing with digestive issues for about a year and a half now. It's common with leukemia but also feel it's mostly because of the Zofran I have to take every night with my treatment. While the Zofran has thwarted some nasty side effects of treatment, not without adding it's own side effects; this one being not being able to go to the bathroom. It has led to some serious issues which has landed me in the hospital twice. Sounds terrible, I know, but some thing I've had to learn to figure out how to deal with because Zofran is the only thing that has allowed me to be consistent with my leukemia treatment. I've tried fiber, I've tried over-the-counter supplements, I've tried eating more fiber-ous foods, I've tried and tried. Nothing seemed to REALLY help. 

Then last year I finally reached out to a friend who sells Plexus. Plexus is all about gut health. It took months before finally taking the plunge because 1. the cost and 2. could it really be any different than anything I've tried before? But after the second ER visit, I was getting desperate. So I used my birthday money and bought the Triplex Combo. They also have a Slim drink mix (not to be confused with the Advocare Slim) but it wasn't for me. My body rejects most fruit flavored things, this being one of them, and the caffeine wasn't enough for me. However, the ProBio5 and Bio Cleanse have been magical. I had a few days of detox, and it was real, but after those few days, I've felt great. I've had more energy (haven't needed near as many naps), and my digestive issues are so much better! And I've been told you don't get full benefits until a couple of months in (I'm only one month in) so I can't wait to see how I feel next month. In addition, I've always dealt with allergy issues. I take 2 Zyrtec daily year around, however like most people, spring and fall and always the worse. By this time in spring, I've had at least one sinus infection. I've had ZERO issues with allergies so far this season. ZERO. Apparently so many health issues are related to gut health. And so far, I'm buying it. 

I just ordered my second round to be sure I don't run out and am looking forward to feeling the continual changes. 

Again, this post isn't designed to encourage you to buy Plexus, just share my experience. However, if you are interested, I'm sure you know someone who sells it but if not, you can reach out to my girl: Aubrey McIntosh . She can tell you more!

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