My night last night---
Since I knew bad storms were inevitable, I decided to pack up the kids and sleep in the basement so we could sleep through it. Otherwise, I knew I'd be up all night checking the weather to see if I needed to move the kids downstairs. Plus Talon gets the worst exciting anxiety when storms are coming (it's like a thrill to him, he loves it but it makes him anxious, and he really needs a thunder buddy shirt) So if I wanted to get any sleep, I knew it would just make sense to start in the basement with everyone.
Or so I thought.....
Talon & TJ fall sleep on the sectional with the dogs, I put Taylor to bed in her pop n' play in the spare bedroom with me. I laid a light blanket down to protect her from the plastic-ness of the bottom. She falls asleep, and I finally lay down at 11:30pm.
It took forever for me to get comfortable in a bed that wasn't the one I normally sleep in and with a loud nose breathing baby near me. When I finally almost did, Taylor starts rustling around. I went to check on her and realized she was now sleeping on the plastic bottom which is likely why she couldn't get comfortable. I didn't want to put a thick blanket in there because I didn't want her to suffocate because as a parent of a baby, the world trains you to be terrified of SIDs. Not trying to downplay it at all as I know it's real and a risk, just that you can't help to become overly paranoid about it thanks to the internet.
So I decided to put her in bed with me (which is a SIDs risk in itself, but anyways)....
But not before asking my husband to go upstairs to turn on the air because I was burning up and can't sleep when I'm hot.
That's where it went even more wrong.
Taylor has never slept in our bed. And it showed last night. She didn't want to sleep next to me, she wanted to sleep on me.
First she started off on my chest, then just her head on my chest and legs on the bed. Then her head on my stomach and legs on the bed. Then her head on my legs and her legs on the bed. Then her whole body on the bed next to my feet. And she would sit up for a minute between transitions. Once she finally landed by my feet, it seemed all was well and that she was finally falling asleep.
But then I noticed that it was still hot in the room and realized the vent was closed since we never use that room. I'm sweating at this point. And I had sinus pressure building in my nose because I'm allergic to dogs which is why ours mostly stay in the basement. I needed my allergy medicine and to open up the vent but neither were an option because I didn't want to risk moving and waking Taylor up.
It's now 1:00am. Taylor starts rustling around again and at that point, I'm over it. I get up, put Taylor back in her pop n' play, she's crying, I ask my husband to open up the vent, I go upstairs and with the help of my husband bring Taylor's giant swing downstairs, the one we don't let her sleep in anymore, plug it up, and put her to sleep in it. Meanwhile the dogs break through the gate that was keeping them in the living room and are now running amock in the bedroom.
I can't make this up people. I was in tears from laughing at this point. This. This is our life.
But then it gets better. TJ goes back to sleep. Taylor falls asleep. I crawl into the bed that is finally cooled off from the air coming from the vent and all seemed well.
THEN I started thinking....
Taylor is in a metal swing, next to the window, that is plugged in, and the lightening is getting pretty bad.
So I Googled "Can a baby get struck by lightening when in a swing that's plugged in?". <--- This is just a glimpse of what Google gets from me.
After reading those results, I also read that I was a bad mom for letting my baby sleep in a swing because she could suffocate.
Again with the suffocating?? Seriously.
So I decided I'd stay awake a little while longer and once she was out, out, I'd unplug the swing to take away the 'death by swing electrocution' risk and would finally be able to sleep.
It's now 1:30am. I hear the baby snores so I get up, and sneak over to the swing to unplug it, and the girl sits straight up in her swing and looks right at me.
I decided to take my chances, left it plugged in, slowly walked away backwords, crawled back into bed, and went to sleep at 2:00am.
Meanwhile, I never once heard the storms and Talon slept great last night.
Next time, I'll take our chances and we are all sleeping in our own rooms.
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