Sunday, June 21, 2015

"A Girl Needs A Dad To Be The Standard Which She Will Judge All Men"

It’s because of my dad that I have such high expectations of what a father should be. As a matter of fact, instead of relaxing or laying around and watching TV, I bet my dad is outside, doing yard work, getting the side-by-sides ready, cleaning the pool, and just getting everything ready for the family to have a fun time when they come over later. Because that’s just how he is, he always puts his family first. Making sure we are all safe, taken care of, and happy is what matters most to him.

My dad has always been more than just the man who provided for and took care of his family, he’s been the man who has taught me so much about life, whether it was on the softball field, at school, at work, as a Christian, or as a parent. He’s always pushed me hard and expected a lot out of me. And I’m so thankful for that. It because of that I am the person that I am today.

My dad’s always been my biggest fan and supporter. In school, he always volunteered to come along on field trips with me to be sure I had a good time. He preached the importance of good grades and rewarded us when achieving our potential. When I played sports (basketball, softball, cheerleading), he always made sure I had all the opportunities to be the best, whether it was going to camps or one-on-one trainings or having the best equipment.  And they never missed a game or competition. And I’m talking about even those times when I was cheering for our football or basketball team two hours away, they were there. It meant and still means so much to me. And even as an adult, they are still my biggest cheerleader.

My dad’s always been there to catch me when I fall. And I’ve fallen a lot over the years. My dad has given me a lot of great advice over the years, and even though a lot of times I would do the opposite of what he advised, he never said “I told you so” when I failed. Instead, he was there to catch me when I fell, picked me back up, and pushed me on my way again.

My dad’s always been the person I’ve felt safest with. If there’s a bad storm coming, a family or work crisis, driving in unsafe travel conditions, or even one of those times were I’ve felt lost, if I am with my dad, I know everything will be okay.

What I admire even more about my dad is not only is he all of those wonderful things to me, he’s all of those wonderful things to my sweet baby boy. When Talon is with my dad (or mom), I don’t have a worry in the world. I know he’s safe, taken care of, and happy.

Happy Father’s Day Poppa!


Today I’m also thankful for some other fathers. 

I’m thankful for Talon’s dad because he is such a wonderful father to Talon. When he’s with his dad, I know he’s in good hands because he’s with someone who loves him just as much I do.

I’m thankful for my uncle David. He’s always been and continues to be such a great example of what a father’s love should be.

And I’m soo thankful for TJ. I can only imagine how challenging being a step parent can be. But TJ does such a great job at it. Having someone to help me take care of and provide for Talon, someone who gets along with and respects Talon’s dad, someone that spends quality time doing ‘guy stuff’ with Talon not only means the world to Talon, but means the world to me. It’s in those moments that I fall deeper and deeper in love with him. <3

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