Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Next Chapter

So I’m not sure if you knew this or not (and if you follow me on Facebook then you definitely know this because it’s alllll I’ve talked about for the last month) BUT in case you didn’t know, this past Monday was my last class EVER as a college undergrad. On May 12th, I'll finally be a college graduate. I cannot even begin to explain the excitement I feel about this. For the last 22 years of my life, I’ve been in school: elementary school, middle school, high school, and 9 (yes 9) of those years have been in college. It’s safe to say going to school has been a big part of my life most of my life. With that, I’m left with a little (a lot) of anxiety.... What do I do now?

While most people would feel a sense of relief, I’m feeling a sense of well, a lack of clarity. What do I do now? It’s a crossroad that I didn’t think would be so confusing, but it has been.

The plans were, after I graduated, I would immediately jump back into college and start on my masters and begin teaching high school in the fall. But when I made that plan, it was made with the assumption that I would be married and have a second income coming in. I’m 27 years old and still no ring, much less a boyfriend. (cue the sad country song…) Because of that, I was forced to make a tough decision. Do I bite the bullet and take the pay cut in order to pursue the job I was created to do? Or do I continue on my current career which provides better financial stability for this single mom? Considering I really enjoy my job now, it was a no-brainer, yet a sad decision to make none-the-less. I feel that I was made to teach. But as anxious as I am to start that new career, I know it will happen once the timing is right. So like with most things in life, I must be patient and trust in God’s timing.

Even though I’ve decided to stay with my current career, I’m still approaching a new chapter in my life. No longer will my nights and weekends be filled with going to class in Bowling Green, Fort Knox, Radcliff, or E ’town, or reading a ba-zillion history books, or writing a ba-zillion papers, or working on assignments, and rushing to beat impending deadlines. Now, for one of the first times in my life, I will have something people like to call “free time”. Say what?! While I intend on forcing myself to enjoy this free time, if you know me, then you know I’m not happy until my plate is full, or until my cupeth runneth overeth. You understand what I mean. So for the last couple of weeks, I’ve been pondering and praying, ‘what next?’ and I’m finally getting some clarity, and am pretty pumped about it.

1.      Career: In case you didn’t know, I have a job, a full time one. I’m a licensed loan originator and processor for a mortgage company. My official title is Account Coordinator. I kind of fell into this job a few years ago and absolutely love it. It fits my over organized, OCD, checklisting, personality. But one of the downfalls of being a business professional and a history and social studies major is that those two fields don’t go hand in hand, at all. During the day, I’m focused on my job and staying abreast of the constant changes in this industry. At night I’m focused on learning about people, places, and events of the past in America and other parts of the world. At times, I really feel like my memory card in my brain is at max capacity and my heads going to explode. Literally. But now that school is over, I can finally focus on giving 110% to my career. There has been so much I’ve wanted to do, to not only benefit myself, but to also benefit my company, but just haven’t had time to do it. Now I do and I’m excited about it! My bosses have been so patient and accommodating while I’ve been in school and even more so after I was diagnosed with leukemia last summer that I’m looking forward to showing my appreciation by pushing myself and our company to the next level.


2.      Organizations: In the past, I may have spread myself a little too thin a couple of times. I get that. But it’s so hard not to when I enjoy everything that I’m involved in. I’ve decided going forward, I am only going to dedicate myself to a couple of organizations so I, again, can give 110%.


a.       Rotaract: Right now, I’m the president of the Rotaract Club of Hardin County. It’s an organization that I absolutely love, from the community standpoint and the networking stand point. It has allowed me to not only give back to the community, but also stay connected to the community. I plan on continuing my role in Rotaract (whatever position that may be) and hope to continue to help this club grow.

b.      Hands Filled With Heart: Also, last year, my sister, mother, and I turned a group I started a couple of years ago into a non-profit organization, Hands Filled With Heart. I haven’t had a lot of time to put into this organization, and now I do, and I plan on doing just that. I have so many exciting plans for our organization and can’t wait to get started on them!

c.       Other Organizations: There are a couple of other organizations that I'm apart of that I will continue to be apart of, such as the Young Professionals of Hardin County and the newly formed USA Cares, Elizabethtown Chapter, but just as a normal volunteer, when I have extra time.

3.      Church: This is the one I’m most excited about. I’ve been attending First Christian Church for a few years now and my parents and I finally joined last Spring. Up until this point, I’ve just been a Sunday morning worship service attendee. That's it. Our church is currently in the process of building a new church and will be finished in June. With the new church come new roles to fill which means they need more volunteers. The timing couldn’t be more perfect for me to step up and start getting more involved in my church. Our church is starting a singles life group which I’m really looking forward to. Also, I’m going to start volunteering in our children’s ministries. I’m still not 100% sure exactly what I want to do but I’m going to try out a few different areas to see where the right fit is. Above all, I’m really looking forward to just growing my relationship with not only my church, but also with God.

So you may be thinking, ‘What about that free time?!’ Well believe it or not, this is still less than what I’ve been used to while I was in school. I feel that this will still leave me with enough free time to be able to just relax and enjoy even more time with my sweet baby boy that’s growing up way too fast, while also leaving time for me to do other stuff that normal, single, 27 year old mom's do like finally read a book on my book list, go to bed early, and maybe even go on a date or two. :)

I truly feel that this is the right direction for me. Whatever this next chapter holds, I'm looking forward to it.



  1. Just want to say your amazing! I admire you. You are an inspiration to many I'm sure. Keep on keeping on, God bless you!
