Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh Boy

So I posted the other day about my sweet little boy turning into a sneaky little boy. In case you missed it:

So if you know Talon, then you know he is a mini version of me. From his looks, to his behavior, all the way to weirdness, he's a 6 year old boy version of me.  Every teacher he's ever had has always said they wished they had a class full of him. But he's not perfect, as a matter of fact, I'm convinced he has a twin that only comes out around me. There's the well behaved, well mannered kid that everyone else sees, and the demanding, sassy, sometimes whiny kid he turns into as soon as I come around. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "He was good until you got here." I have a feeling that every mom who just read that last statement can completely relate. But we are okay with that so long as they are only like that around us.
Anyways, I love that he's just like me. Not that there is anything (really) wrong with his dad.-- I mean, he's a good person, but if you know his dad, then you know why I just said 'really'. When he was a kid, he was a punk. He was the kid who set off firecrackers in his grandmother's bathroom, I'm pretty sure he shot someone with a BB gun, he about made his best friend pee in his pants when he decided to jump a giant snow bank in their car, and to this day will still 'squall tires' just because.  As a matter of fact, my first experiences around him were in middle school, when I was in 6th grade and he was in 8th grade, and I did not like that boy, at all. Here's why: He ripped my jeans when he pushed me down playing basketball in our middle school gym and he and his friend attempted to throw me in a pool at a middle school birthday party. When you are in 6th grade, that's like the worst day ever. 10 years later, we have a child together, go figure.  Anyways, he's a good guy, he really is, but if you know him and you hear me say, "Talon is turning into his father", then you know why I am a bit concerned (in a non-serious, very joking way).

So Talon's Dad and my Dad are coaching his baseball team this year, which means I'm coaching Talon's baseball team this year. So if you've ever coached or taught anything before, then you know there is always that one kid. That kid who doesn't listen, and does everything he/she's not supposed to. That kid is on our team. I felt like the entire first practice, I had to keep telling this kid not to do this, not to do that, keep your hands to yourself, stay here, don't throw that stick in the creek, don't throw that stick in the creek, throw a stick in the creek again and you don't get to go in the batting cages. When I finally thought I was getting somewhere, I had my back turned to him and I heard him say to another kid, " She said no...." Then I heard this other kid say, "She's not looking..." That other kid was MY son! My sweet, once innocent, now instigative (is that even a word?) son. I gave them both the 'don't tempt me look' then quickly had to turn back around so Talon didn't see me laugh. Did he really just say that? Who is this kid?

I mean, I always knew it would eventually happen. One can only spend so much time around his dad ( and cousin Larry) before they start rubbing off on them, I just wasn't expecting it so soon.
Lord help me.

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