So my husband doesn’t like attention or public praise. He’s
a ‘fly under the radar’ kinda guy. If he knew I was going to write a post about
him and how he’s such a great dad, he’d throw a fit. So instead, I decided
to write a post about me and how he’s such a great support to me, so really, this post is about me. :)
When deciding whether or not to have another child, not taking my
medication for 9 months and knowing the risk it could impose was not the only
thing we had to take into consideration- we also had to think about every day
after those 9 months. If you’ve followed my CML journey then you know that the
worst part of having this type of leukemia is learning to cope with the side
effects that comes along with the treatment—mainly nausea, headaches, and
extreme fatigue. It’s not uncommon for me to have to randomly lay down in the
middle of the day because I feel so sick and tired. I have limitations now on
what I can and can’t do. I go to bed at 9pm every night because my body needs a
lot of rest. I have to eat dinner at a certain time every day or I’ll end up
getting sick. I can’t overdo it or I’ll pay for it later. This is something I’ve
been learning how to deal with for the last 4 years and I’ve really had to
depend on my family for help and support. Sometimes it’s hard to get through a
full work day, especially 5 days in a row. By time I get home, sometimes I
barely have any energy to cook dinner or run Talon to/from the ballpark or do
the housework. Sometimes I have to depend on TJ to do it so I can lay down
because I just feel so sick. There are some days Talon has to entertain
himself because I just can’t do it. These were all things I really thought
about before we decided to have another baby. "Days can be tough now. Can we really add a baby into the mix?"
I knew that if we were going to
do this, I was going to have to depend on TJ more than ever. I had to expect
from him more than what’s often expected from the typical father.
And here we are, almost 3 months later after bringing sweet Taylor
into this world, and TJ is everything I’ve needed him to be, and more. He feeds
Taylor, he changes her diaper, he gives baby baths, he washes bottles, he’ll
spend time with Talon, he’ll drop off/pick up the kids. And my favorite part,
he lets me sleep. In those moments that I have to lay down and rest, I can. And
not only I can, but I can knowing that everything will continue on just fine without
me. When Taylor gets up between 4am-5am in the morning to eat, TJ gets up with
her then. Every, single, night, so I can sleep. And he does all of this without
ask (most times :) or complaint. He just does it.
And it’s because of this that I am able to not just get through the day, but enjoy
each day with our family.
I couldn’t ask for a better support to me or for a better leader
to our tribe.